Thursday, July 14, 2016

Week 2: Noteflight & A Bicycle Built for Two

            Noteflight is an excellent resource for music educators, as it provides an inexpensive, user-friendly way to create new music or arrange current music. In addition to these expected services (editing, arranging, etc.), Noteflight is a hub for collaboration. Educators can work on and share the same piece of music quickly and efficiently, much like Google users create and share documents through Google Docs. In previous years, my choir director colleague and I arranged a new patriotic tune every year so our students (band and choir) could perform in the Veteran's Day program together. This tool would have been incredibly helpful when arranging, as much of our collaboration could have taken place through the Noteflight program.
            As a new user, I found Noteflight to be confusing at first. I struggled with the menus, tabs, and overall layout of the program. After the initial frustration, I found the program to be user-friendly, especially regarding note entry. As an avid Musescore user, I thought many of the entry shortcuts were already familiar. Overall, I think the program is nice, and I am looking forward to experimenting with the collaboration aspect of it in the near future. 

Bicycle Built for Two

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